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Tag: videos

Nina Paley's "Sita Sings the Blues" Out Under Attribution-ShareAlike

Open Culture

Talented animator, writer and producer Nina Paley has freely released her animated film, Sita Sings the Blues under our copyleft license, Attribution-ShareAlike. Copies of Paley’s feature length film are available on, LegalTorrents, and various other sites in many different formats. Nina explains her decision to her audience on the film’s site: Dear Audience, I…

Uncensored Interview Releases 1000+ Creative Commons Theora Videos

Open Culture

Today, Uncensored Interview, a video producer and licensor of musician interviews, is releasing thousands of videos from its interview footage archive under our most permissive license, Attribution also known as CC-BY. Previously, Uncensored Interview’s library consisted of premium content available for commercial licensing, but now includes videos available via download in Ogg Theora, a free…

The Commons Video

Open Culture

The Commons Video is a 3 minute 46 second animation (licensed under CC BY) from On The Commons and The New Press making the case for an expansive conception of “The Commons” as a means to achieve a society of justice and equality. From the video’s description: In a just world, the idea of wealth–be…

YouTube Tests Download and Creative Commons License Options

Open Culture

YouTube just made an incredibly exciting announcement: it’s testing an option that gives video owners the ability to allow downloads and share their work under Creative Commons licenses. The test is being launched with a handful of partners, including Stanford, Duke, UC Berkeley, UCLA, and UCTV. We are always looking for ways to make it…

Miro 2.0 Launches Today

Open Culture, Technology

Miro, the free and open source video player launched their 2.0 version today. The update has tons of new features that will help you explore video on the web, including YouTube HD, Hulu and the like. Dean writes on the Miro blog about the new chrome on 2.0: A beautiful, all-new widget based interface Browse…

New TED Fellows Program


If you’re like me, you probably never even heard of the TED conference until TED Talks launched online (in April of 2007). TED stands for “Technology, Entertainment, Design” and their talks are given annually at the TED conference in Long Beach, CA. 50 speakers give “talks” or 18 minute speeches about a variety of issues,…

Indaba Music on Colbert Report Tonight

Open Culture

Following up Lawrence Lessig’s remix-tastic appearance on the Colbert Report earlier in January, Indaba Music‘s Dan Zaccagnino will be chatting with Stephen tonight about Indaba’s remix and online collaboration community. If you’re looking to create your own Colbert remix or just listen to some more, head over to the page on Indaba Music that is…

Joi Ito at DLD on Creative Commons

Events, Open Culture

Creative Commons’ CEO, Joi Ito recently gave a talk at the Digital Life Design conference in Munich. If you’ve been waiting to watch a talk introducing Creative Commons to 2009, this is your talk. Joi first hits on how CC helps innovators (especially those online) lower the transaction costs when dealing with cultural works restricted…

Macedonia Timeless: CC-Licensed Tourist Video

Open Culture

Macedonia Timeless is the name of a recently produced Macedonian tourist video written and directed by Milcho Manchevski. There is nothing new about these sort of videos being produced, but what is novel is that the video is being released under a CC BY-ND license, a decision that encourages the legal sharing of the video.…

The Global Lives Project

Open Culture

The Global Lives Project is a project that aims to “record 24 hours in the lives of ten people that roughly represent the diversity our planet’s population.” Accomplishing this via a volunteer-network dispersed through out the globe, GLP aggregates video for these subjects based on a unique spreadsheet approach to understand global demographics. All of…