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Tag: Weblog

53 million pages licensed


Yesterday Yahoo! announced that their search index had grown to 20 billion documents. That, along with continued adoption of Creative Commons licenses, explains 53 million linkbacks to our licenses according to Yahoo! linkback queries. In May, when Yahoo!’s index apparently consisted of 8 billion documents, we found 16 million pages with license links. So discounting…

New Featured Commoner – Kembrew McLeod


Check out our new Featured Commoner Kembrew McLeod who has had quite the all-round Creative Commons experience: CC-licensing his book – Freedom of Expression® and excerpts from his forthcoming documentary – Copyright Criminals; to also using our ccPublisher tool and inspiring new tracks on ccMixter.

Rise of the mixmaster


Forbes magazine columnist Sam Whitmore writes about “four distinct groups that will create content no matter what transpires on the business end of media”: Then there’s the rise of the mixmaster. … Traditional copyright law didn’t foresee this kind of thing. … A potential solution already exists from San Francisco-based Creative Commons, a non-profit organization…

Divers hands make great work


Today I learned that the word divers has an old usage meaning “diverse” or “various.” Divers hands is an old phrase used to indicate collaborative authorship, now most often used for works building on H.P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos, e.g., ‘by HP Lovecraft and Divers Hands’. Skotos has released another CC-licensed comic: Lovecraft Country: Return to…

Roll Your Own License Choooser


In the past if you wanted to integrate Creative Commons license selection with your web application, there was one solution: the partner interface. Today there’s a second way: the Ajax Chooser. The Ajax Chooser is a PHP+Javascript library derived from wpLicense which encapsulates a license chooser. Ajax Chooser uses the CC web services to load…

Cory Doctorow

Open Culture

I got to feeling like I was someone special — not everyone had a chum as exotic as Keep-A-Movin’ Dan, the legendary missionary who visited the only places left that were closed to the Bitchun Society. I can’t say for sure why he hung around with me. He mentioned once or twice that he’d liked…

Dan Gillmor

Open Culture

You may have read this Featured Commoner’s technology columns in the San Jose Mercury Sun News or on Sillicon Dan Gillmor has been writing about technology, business, and policy for as long as such a beat has existed. His new book, We the Media: Grassroots Journalism by the People, for the People, tells the…

Best CC animation ever fansubbed


The ‘best Creative Commons animation ever’ has been fansubbed. The original came with a CC license that allows derivative works, but also provided the script and source files. The fansubbers have provided French and English subtitle files. All together a great example of using licensing plus component materials to encourage reuse.

Best of sta(cc)ato


Staccato, a music program featuring all Creative Commons licensed tracks, launched late last year and has featured some great interviews and lots of great music. Last week saw the release of Staccato #21, a “best of” program also featuring an extended interview with Creative Commons chair Lawrence Lessig. Listen now.

Everybody loves Creative Commons


Creative Commons made an appearance of sorts in the free software in-joke comic Everybody loves Eric Raymond. As it happens the strip is CC-licensed. That makes at least two. Thanks to Will for the pointer.