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Tag: Weblog

Creative Fiction, or CC SF


With all of the public debate about the role of innovation in music and movies, it’s not surprising that discussion of the uses of Creative Commons licenses tends to be about their place in the music and movie industries. When there is discussion about text and books, it tends to be about academic works, like…

Free Beer


Sometimes we get thirsty here at CC-HQ, and so sometimes we head up to the coffee machine and press the button for coffee. Or sometimes we make espresso and dump the left over grounds down the drain until the drainage pipe clogs and our downstairs neighbors get a wonderful espresso-ground shower. And then sometimes we…

Commons Jamming across the net


NINJAM is a free software product that lets you jam (make music) with other NINJAM users across the net. It’s weirder and cooler than just that. All tracks, remote and local, can be saved individually for offline remixing, and all NINJAMmers agree to use a Creative Commons license in order to participate. The weirder part…

Belgrade Gallery


Free computer art software visual artist activist programmer (mix and match, also CC mailing list discussant) Rob Myers has a lecture (July 29) and exhibition (running July 27 – August 8) at o3one gallery in Belgrade, Serbia, supported by the British Council. From 1969 by Rob Myers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license. Addendum: Pictures of…

PBS to release NerdTV under a Creative Commons License


I’m always amazed at how far the power of invention mixed with a determination to realize your idea on a large scale can take you. That’s why the new PBS one hour television series about the people who are shaping technology and the Silicon Valley landscape seems so interesting. PBS will be launching NerdTV, the…

CC Licensing for WordPress: Now with AJAX


wpLicense 0.5 is out. wpLicense is a project I whipped up a while back to experiment with the Creative Commons web services and AJAX. I also needed CC licensing for WordPress and wasn’t satisfied with the existing solutions. This is the third release I’ve made, and the first I actually think should be usable by…

Announcing the new CC Store and Donation page


We’re happy to announce that we have revamped our online store and donations page to highlight new t-shirts and products available with a Creative Commons logo. We’ve got new Science Commons shirts, a new shirt for 2005 donations, and a variety of products from Cafepress as well. All proceeds aid our non-profit and help us…

Don't Let the Build Bugs bite!


Every now and then you realize that something stupid has gotten in the way of perfectly good software, and as a result made things difficult for users. Today I ran into two of those situations with CC software. First, the installation packages for ccPublisher for Windows were corrupted on the server. The result is that…

(cc) Publish & be Damned!!


For all aspiring authors out there, a new self-publishing service ‘Publish & be Damned’ now includes the option for authors to publish their books under a Creative Commons license. At the site, writers can design, publish and sell their own hard copy books – either at their own personal selling page on the site or…