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Tag: Weblog

Now Human-Readable in Many Languages


Due to overwhelming demand, and thanks to the work of our international project leads and tech crew, the summaries of our licenses are now available in nine different languages. Note how this is different from the iCommons process, which involves translating and adapting the licenses themselves (the lawyer-readable part of things) to various languages and…

Creative Commons South Africa Flourishing


Creative Commons South Africa has an amazing new animation that describes the practical aspects of using our copyright licenses better than any piece of media we’ve had until now, and with unusual charm. We’ll host the animation from this site soon, but until we do, it’s available for viewing at the South African site, which…

Spanish and Canadian Creative Commons licenses now available


Two more sets of International Commons are available: from Spain and Canada. One cool feature these licenses have in common is that both are bilingual. The Spanish licenses are available in Castilian Spanish and Catalan, and the Canadian in English and French. Accounts of the launch events, by those Commoners who attended them, are coming…

The WIRED Concert and CD: Newsweek/MSNBC


Another great article on the WIRED CD and Concert, this one from Newsweek/MSNBC. The piece features great quotes from the bands Spoon and Matmos, who happen to be two of my favorites, two of the WIRED CD contributors, and nice fellows to boot.

Copyright and the US Federal Gov't


While I watch the news in Portland about Mt. St. Helens and its possible upcoming eruption, I’m seeing plenty of links to the volcano webcam on blogs. One of the blogs that stood out for different reasons is the Berkeley Intellectual Property blog’s post about the Terms of Service, copyright status, and law around Federal…



“It has an influence far out of proportion to its size, and some think it could be a guidepost for a record industry in desperate need of direction.” There is a great article on Nonesuch Records in today’s New York Times magazine. Nonesuch is the label that brings us the recordings of David Byrne, Wilco,…

Find the Idiophone


My favorite part of the WIRED concert and Creative Commons benefit that people are writing about: one of Gil’s percussionists had an instrument that perhaps looked and sounded a bit like two small steelpans put together (see brightened area of the photo below). Wonderful sound, little used to great effect. Detail of photo by Kathryn…

Clone Contest


If you missed out on our moving images contest earlier this year, you have a second chance of sorts. The Center for the Study of the Public Domain’s Arts Project Contest is based on our moving images contest. A contest to create a 2-minute moving image that explains to the public some of the tensions…

WIRED CD — going forward


Needless to say, the concert last week was unbelievable, especially after two years in the basement of the Stanford Law School (thank you Stanford), trying to convince people that new copyright licenses are the key to the evolution of culture and intellect in the new millennium — often responded to with a deafening silence, and…

Browsing and searching for licensed photos at Flickr


Flickr is a great online photo sharing app that allows you to tag all your photos with a Creative Commons license. We’ve blogged about it in the past and interviewed the founder as well. Today they launched an entire area of their site devoted to showing off all the photos within their system that are…