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Tag: Weblog

Imminent: Launch Events in Taiwan and Austria


Our project’s international roll-out continues. Two more countries have now come up with their local licenses. First, on Saturday, Sep 4, Lawrence Lessig will be speaking in Taipei, where the Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, as the Taiwan project lead, has completed the porting process and is now presenting the licenses to the island’s…

Our updated Search


We’ve had our own beta search engine for the past six months, but it was mostly a proof of concept, to see if we could build a search engine that recorded the semantics of web page metadata. Like any proof of concept launched to the public, it was slow, frequently returned zero results, and was…

Freedom of Information and Copyright


Ever had trouble convincing someone that copyright matters beyond just copyright? That it bumps into questions of censorship, freedom of information, even plain-old civics more every day? If so, here’s a nice anecdote to pull out next time. From the AP: The Defense Department spent $70,500 to produce a Humphrey Bogart-themed video called “The People’s…

Liberated Games


Liberated Games is a new project that offers downloadable versions (some with source code) of commercial video games that are several years old. The creators of the games have given their permission for the free downloads and offer them under a variety of licenses. Technology moves quickly these days, making software, books, and information outdated…

Shipwreck Central


Shipwreck Central is a companion site for a team of divers that explore various shipwrecks around the world. They host live chats, teaching aids, and information about shows they’ve made from diving footage. For the bits of downloadable audio and video, they’ve chosen a Creative Commons license and their copyright page explains why, even though…

Creative Commons in Sweden


It just keeps growing: the International Commons (iCommons) expands to Sweden, under the leadership of the premier law firm Lindahl and man-about-the-Net Mikael Pawlo. Public discussion of the Swedish drafts of the Creative Commons licenses has begun.

Learning Photo


There are lots of great sites to help you learn the basics of photography and keep up with the latest news, but recently I came across the new site Learning Photo which is doing something a bit different than the others. For each shot shared on the site, the photographer describes the location and how…

Some clarifications about the "Commonwealth" list


A few of you have expressed concern about a discussion list we announced recently. These are all good points and I feel I should make a couple of things clear: (1) It is never a foregone conclusion that a project in discussion will be adopted by Creative Commons. Check out the image on our discuss…

Industry analysts releasing licensed whitepapers


Redmonk is an analyst firm that studies the Technology industry. One aspect of their work is publishing whitepapers on various technology subjects, which are usually sold for hundreds of dollars to companies seeking research. Tech magazine InfowWorld noticed their most recent publication was released for free, and on top of that, licensed under Creative Commons.…