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Author: Jocelyn Miyara

Recap & Recording: “Open Culture in the Age of AI: Concerns, Hopes and Opportunities”

Open Culture, Open Heritage
Black and grey image of speckled orbs in the background. In the foreground the text reads
An Original Theory or New Hypothesis of the Universe. Plate XXXI. ”. By Thomas Wright. Public Domain

In May, CC’s Open Culture Program hosted a new webinar in our Open Culture Live series titled “Open Culture in the Age of AI: Concerns, Hopes and Opportunities.” In this blog post we share key takeaways and a link to the recording.

Open Culture Platform Activity Fund Winners 2024

Open Culture
Green and orange flowers illustrated in a scientific style.
Plate 82” from Ernst Haeckel’s Kunstformen der Natur (1904), in which are depicted a selection of liverworts. Public Domain.

As part of the Open Culture Platform’s 2024 work plan, we at Creative Commons are offering funding for community activities. We called for proposals and invited the community to vote on the activities. The projects needed to have a focus on building community through outreach and helping institutions move toward open. Here are the four…

Recap & Recording: Maximizing the Value(s) of Open Access in Cultural Heritage Institutions

Four barrels full of cash printed in black, green and red are overflowing. The text in front reads “Maximizing the Value(s) of Open Access in Cultural Heritage Institutions: 28 February 2024 | 2:00 PM UTC”.
Barrels of Money” by Victor Dubreuil. 1890s. Brandywine Museum of Art , Public Domain.

In February, we hosted a webinar in our Open Culture Live series titled “Maximizing the Value(s) of Open Access in Cultural Heritage Institutions.” In this blog post, we summarize the key points raised in the discussion and share a link to the recording.

Recap & Recording: “Whose Open Culture? Decolonization, Indigenization, and Restitution”

Open Culture
The background is a woven textile with black, red, blue, and brown and tan shapes emmulating birds and fish. The text reads
Andean Textile Fragment” by Peruvian. 1500. Walters Art Museum., here slightly cropped, is released into the public domain under CC0.

In January we hosted a webinar titled “Whose Open Culture? Decolonization, Indigenization, and Restitution” discussing the intersection of indigenous knowledge and open sharing. Our conversation spanned a variety of topics regarding indigenous sovereignty over culture, respectful terminology, and the legacy of colonialism and how it still exists today.

Upcoming Open Culture Live Webinar: “Whose Open Culture? Decolonization, Indigenization, and Restitution”

Open Culture
The background is a woven textile with black, red, blue, and brown and tan shapes emmulating birds and fish. The text reads
Andean Textile Fragment” by Peruvian. 1500. Walters Art Museum., here slightly cropped, is released into the public domain under CC0.

On Wednesday, 17 January, 2024, at 3:00 pm UTC, CC’s Open Culture Program will be hosting a new webinar in our Open Culture Live series titled “Whose Open Culture? Decolonization, Indigenization, and Restitution.” As we observed a few years ago, there is growing awareness in the open culture movement about issues related to the acquisition, preservation, access, sharing, and reuse of cultural heritage of Indigenous peoples and local communities (including traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions), heritage in the context of colonization, and culturally-sensitive heritage.