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Versioning — Public Review Begins


As we announced last week, we’re getting ready to roll out Version 2.0 of the eleven original Creative Commons licenses. Review a draft of v2.0 of the by-nc-sa license (from which all other licenses are composed) and let us know what you think. It’ll be up until Feb. 15, and we may make updates in…

The first new social movement of the century?


The New York Times Magazine mentions Creative Commons in a long piece about copyright reform this week. The article seems to be aimed at a general overview of the movement and forgets a few key details, like Richard Stallman being the man behind Copyleft.

Nice survey of the sampling scene


Victor Stone, previously mentioned here for his great remixes on our last CD, recently signed onto Magnatune with a plethora of remixed tracks from Magnatune itself. He also recently launched a site dedicated to sharing tips and reviews of the software he uses when creating music. A post definitely worth sharing here is the one…

Discovering Dickens


Stanford is bringing back its popular Discovering Dickens community reading project — another example of what’s possible with a healthy public domain. (In other words, don’t try this with anything much more modern.) In December 2002, Stanford’s Discovering Dickens project began with the serial release of Charles Dickens’ novel Great Expectations. By the time the…

Spontaneous Remix Culture — Yeagh!


Take an entertaining and compelling soundbite, easy to use digital audio tools, and cheap bandwidth, what do you get? Spontaneous remix culture. has in a few days collected dozens of remixes of Howard Dean’s 2004 Iowa Caucus concession speech culminating in the infamous “yeagh!” utterance. While the curator (a Dean supporter) has licensed the…

Pump Audio


Independent musicians looking for a way to get paid for their work might want to check out Pump Audio. They serve as a marketplace of independent music for film, tv, and radio, representing thousands of independent artists. The thing that really makes them stand out is that they don’t assert control of an artist’s copyright,…

Nomads' Land: travel photography


This week’s featured content is Nomads’ Land, a site for photographs taken by Jean-François Maïon during travels around the globe. A great place to start exploring the site is the map on the main page. All 1000+ photos are licensed under a Creative Commons license and we can wait to see where Jean-François travels to…

Versioning — Coming Up


We’ll be posting drafts of the new versions of our licenses later this week. About a month of review time will follow, and then we’ll revise as needed and turn the new licenses on. Throughout the next couple of weeks we will explain how the process of versioning will happen. Meantime, here’s a preview of…

Contests Abound


Participatory creativity is hot, hot. The Lollapoola Mash-Up Contest. Our Own GET CREATIVE! Moving Images Contest (winners to be announced next month).’s Bush in 30 Seconds advertisement contest. And now even the New Yorker has announced the winner of its own analog-version of an open-source creativity contest, which was more interactive than contests past.…

How to Tell People You're CC-ing It


Among the many cool features of our re-design this fall, we may not have given one page the attention it deserved. If you’re marking your work or web page with our little Some Rights Reserved button, you should take a look at our suggestions for making a precise statement about what’s being licensed, complete with…