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Moving in with OSAF
by mike UncategorizedThe CC team at OSAF: Nathan Yergler, Francesca Rodriquez, Mike Linksvayer, Neeru Paharia, Glenn Otis Brown, James Grimmelmann, and Matt Haughey. Last week Creative Commons moved offices from the Stanford campus to San Francisco into the fantastic space shared by the Open Source Applications Foundation, Level Playing Field, and parts of the Mozilla Foundation. Mitch…
Molt Be
by glenn UncategorizedThat means “very good” in Catalan. I was just browsing through the weblog subscriptions available in NetNewsWire tonight and came across the Catalan blog and got warm fuzzies: it’s available under a Creative Commons license. Half my family’s Catalan. Anyone know of other cc blogs catalas out there?
Art Mobs in Slate
by matt UncategorizedSlate is running a piece today entitled “Art Mobs” that takes a look at how collaboration between artists has changed as things move online. It covers graphical, film, and text pieces, but the best example is a song. We’ve profiled MacJams before, the site built around sharing tracks for Apple’s Garageband users. They’ve got Creative…
Flickr Featured Commoner
by matt UncategorizedThis month’s featured commoner interview is up, which covers our interview with Flickr founder Stewart Butterfield. In it, he talks about Flickr’s unique features, their history, and why they’re using Creative Commons licenses.
Eric Eldred in the Boston Globe
by matt UncategorizedIn honor of the 150th anniversary for Thoreau’s Walden, Creative Commons co-founder Eric Eldred decided to share and print free public domain copies of Walden (here’s the Word doc version at Eldred’s own site) at Walden Pond, but was asked to leave. The Boston Globe published an article about this yesterday, complete with a great…
Make anything on earth a derivative work
by matt UncategorizedToday while I was at a web conference, a speaker used an incredible MIT Media Lab project as a demo during a talk. Check out the I/O brush project. The project appears to be a camera that can take a photo still or video of anything you point it at, then the captured images can…
International Private Law
by roland UncategorizedOne of the larger and more interesting questions arising in connection with Creative Commons’s global expansion is the question of whether the various iCommons licences are internationally compatible. The question arises because porting / transposing the CC licenses into diffferent jurisdictions involves a process of both translation and legal adapation. The latter is made necessary…
Moving and Copyright
by glenn UncategorizedWe’re moving our offices to San Francisco tomorrow. I’m packing boxes. Just noticed that our Fellowes brand cardboard file boxes carry a copyright notice: (c) Copyright 2001 Fellowes, Inc. Sure am glad they included that. Was about to pirate.
Do the Recombo. In Brazil. Now. Again.
by glenn UncategorizedRenaldo “Recombo” Lemos of Creative Commons Brazil reports more good news: “Following the same steps of Gilberto Gil and Mombojo, the Brazilian electronic group Gerador Zero has decided to go Recombo. Gerador Zero is one of the most inventive music projects in Brazil. Fabio FZero, their mastermind, has managed to create music that is hard…
Lou Reed loves remixes
by matt UncategorizedLou Reed is another artist that should check out the Recombo license. Here’s a great quote from him about his most recent recordings being remixed in this story: “I’ve been getting all these great mixes sent to me out of the U.K. for years and years,” he told Attitude magazine, “and I just started saying…