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Joi Ito Discusses CC in Business Week


Joi Ito, CC’s CEO, recentlly sat down with Business Week to discuss Creative Commons, our mission, and how our licenses work the way they do. The article has an obvious focus on the business potential of CC licences but touches on the implications our licences have in the arts and education as well. It’s a…

Assessing the Commons: Social Metrics for the New Media Landscape


Hopefully, everyone that supports CC also knows that we’re a non-profit organization. As such, we rely on individual, corporate, and foundation support to sustain our operations. This past spring, CC submitted a proposal called Assessing the Commons: Social Metrics for the New Media Landscape to the Social Science Research Center (SSRC). This grant would fund…

First Roundtable Creative Commons Russia


We are very pleased to announce that the ‘First Roundtable on the Introduction of Creative Commons licenses in the Russian Federation’ will be organized on Tuesday, September 9, 2008 between 16:30 and 19:00 in central Moscow. The roundtable will be chaired by Anton Nossik (SUP) and Syb Groeneveld (Creative Commons Russia). Creative Commons International has…



Creative Commons is working with Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC) to create Malaysia jurisdiction-specific licenses from the generic Creative Commons licenses. CC Malaysia Project Leads: Dr. Alina Ng Hasnul Hadi Samsudin Hasnul Nadzrin Shah Muid Latif License draft: License draft (PDF). English explanation of substantive legal changes (PDF). Post a message. Subscribe to the discussion. Read…

Happy birthday to GNU!

About CC

25 years ago Richard Stallman started the GNU (“Gnu’s Not Unix”) project to create a computer operating system like Unix (then ascendant in computer labs like the one Stallman worked in), but with source code free for programmers to run, study, share, and improve. Free software from the GNU project now powers in the range…

CC Romania Promotes Creativity with Localized Licenses


Creators in Romania now have the option to license their creative works under one of the six Creative Commons licenses tailored to Romanian law. The Creative Commons team in Romania, led by Bogdan Manolea and Stefan Gavrilescu and supported by the Association for Technology and Internet, carried out the porting process and public discussion with…

CC Romania Promotes Creativity with Localized Licenses

About CC

Text in English and Romanian Bucharest, Romania and Berlin, Germany — September 2, 2008 Creators in Romania now have the option to license their creative works under one of the six Creative Commons licenses tailored to Romanian law. Available as of today, the ported Romanian licensing suite (BY through to BY-NC-ND of Version 3.0) is…

OER Handbook for Educators 1.0


The Center for Open and Sustainable Learning (COSL) has been hosting an OER Handbook on WikiEducator for a while now, inviting others to contribute and edit various elements of the book. Now they’ve finally published the first printable version of one of their mini-handbooks: OER Handbook for Educators 1.0.  The actual handbook isn’t so mini—though…