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Francesca Rodriquez


So it’s taken me, oh, about three months longer than I’d hoped to finish the process of saying thanks to everyone on CCStaff I got to work with during my time there. It can be tough sometimes to find the right words to describe the people you’ve worked the closest with. Which, along with plain-old…

Best Creative Commons Animation Ever


I’ve been meaning to blog this for a while but if you haven’t already seen this brilliant Creative Commons animation, you must. The project was sponsored by Creative Commons Australia. I LOVE the female character’s voice.

Mixter, podcasting and iTunes


Today Apple released a new version of iTunes that includes Podcasting capabilities. I was happy to see while browsing the audio blogs category that there was a “CCMixter for podcasters” (iTunes link) channel with a few tracks off our CCMixter site. If you’re new to podcasting, wikipedia has a good summary, and if you want…

iCommons Summit Rocked!


This past weekend was the first, of what will hopefully be an annual event: the iCommons Summit. Gathering Creative Commons project leads from around the world (around eighty in all) at Harvard Law School, the conference had several objectives including reporting and sharing ideas on past successes and challenges in the license porting process, developing…

Creative Commons begins search for Executive Director


As many may already know, our resident project guru, Neeru Paharia will be leaving us in the fall to pursue her PhD at Harvard University. While we all will miss Neeru and the vision she brought to Creative Commons, we are happy to see her continue her goals in the world of academia. Good luck…


About CC

Silicon-Valley-based NGO reinforces its activities around the globe and introduces its innovative copyright licenses in Israel San Francisco, CA, USA and Berlin, GERMANY — June 9, 2005 — Creative Commons, a nonprofit organization that provides an alternative to full copyright, today unveils a localized version of its innovative licensing system in Israel. Creative Commons’ copyright…

Microsoft Releases RSS extension under CC-BY-SA license


Microsoft today announced the release of its Simple List Extensions specification to RSS under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license. The extensions will enable content providers to deliver ordered lists – wish-lists, top-ten lists, playlists, etc. – using RSS, keeping the list constantly up-to-date and allowing users to filter, sort, or pivot the list in any…

Leaders in Intellectual Property and Open Content from All Corners of the Globe Participating in Inaugural International Creative Commons Conference

About CC

Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA—June 24, 2005 Creative Commons, a nonprofit organization that provides flexible copyright licenses for authors and artists, is holding a conference at Harvard Law School over the coming weekend of June 25 and 26, 2005, for all of its international collaboration partners, who are responsible for the legal ‘porting’ of the Creative Commons…

Fantastic (cc)omic


Not two weeks ago Comixpedia published a roundtable on Creative Commons and Webcomics, but perhaps two weeks too soon. Role playing game company Skotos was readying the release under a CC license of a professionally drawn companion comic book to its Castle Marrach online game: Castle Marrach: Awakenings. Now released, obviously. Skotos Director of Operations…

Podsafe Music Making Sense


ccMixter-meister Victor Stone points to the definitive list for the moment of podcasting safe music resources at Dave’s Imaginary Sound Space. Many CC-licensed music sites are listed, including many I hadn’t seen before. Dave’s list is a great place to start if you’re looking for CC-licensed music for your podcast or otherwise. We have an…