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2008 Science Video Collection and Remix Challenge


If you have access to educational science videos for kids (or if you even want to make your own), ccLearn encourages you to participate in the 2008 Science Video Collection and Remix Challenge! Check out the website for official details, but here’s the important stuff. Deadline is March 31, 2008. The grand prize includes: $2,000…

Participatory Media Lab launch with ccMixter analysis


Giorgos Cheliotis‘ group at Singapore Management University has launched a site for their Participatory Media Lab, featuring a working paper on ccMixter reuse patterns titled Remix Culture: Creative Reuse and the Licensing of Digital Media in Online Communities (pdf) and including data and visualizations from this and earlier research on open content, previously blogged here…

Philippine Launch Celebration: a vibrant member of the global commons


Following the unveiling of the Philippine localized Creative Commons licenses in December, citizens will gather on January 14th in Manila to celebrate in full the public launch of the country’s completed licenses and its strides towards fostering the global commons movement. The launch activities are scheduled to take place from 1:00pm to 9:00pm at the…

Philippine Launch Celebration: a vibrant member of the global commons

About CC

San Francisco, CA, USA and Pasay City, Metro Manila, Philippines — January 14, 2008 Following the unveiling of the Philippine localized Creative Commons licenses in December, citizens of the archipelago will gather today in Manila to celebrate in full the public launch of its completed licenses and the country’s strides towards fostering the global commons…

Linux Format Interviews Red Hat's Jack Aboutboul


Check out this great Linux Format interview (pdf download) with Red Hat Community Engineer Jack Aboutboul. Jack and the folks at Red Hat’s Fedora Project have been leaders in producing quality free and open source software, and have been central in helping CC build LiveContent. Jack says, “Fedora’s dedication to opening everything is not just…

New York Times Continues Polling Place Photo Project


Photo by Jodi Sperber / CC BY-ND The New York Times has reignited its Polling Place Photo Project, a “nationwide experiment in citizen journalism that encourages voters to capture, post and share photographs of this year’s primaries, caucuses and general election.” All participant photos are published under a Creative Commons Attribution No Derivatives license. This…

LiveContent Available Through


Creative Commons is now offering LiveContent through the Open Source product distribution service On-Disk sells a variety of software packages conveniently contained on a CD or DVD. On-Disk provides “burn-on-demand” service and works with open source and smaller software and media developers — “helping low-budget or no-budget organizations publish their software and digital media…

More CC Cinema 2.0


Following up on today’s post on a short about “Cinema 2.0”, made with presumably Cinema 2.0 techniques … more links on CC Cinema 2.0 and nearby. The A Swarm of Angels collaborative film project is moving into its third phase, advanced development. The folks behind ASoW have also posted their ideas on 7 rules for…