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Mozilla and the P2PU School of Webcraft
by Jane Park UncategorizedIn September, Mozilla and P2PU are launching the P2PU School of Webcraft, and they invite you to participate. The partnership leverages Mozilla’s experience and the P2PU community to create a social learning environment for those who want to “learn the craft of open and standards-based web development.” The P2PU School of Webcraft is a set…
CC Search Redesign Beta
by Alex Gakuru UncategorizedToday we’ve released a new CC content search interface on our Labs site for an initial live beta, testing some interface variations, before completely replacing our current search UI. Why are we changing it? Many of you use and love, judging by actual use and tweets about the service. After four years of the…
Educational Search and DiscoverEd
by akozak UncategorizedLast week in the vuDAT building at Michigan State University, a group of developers interested in educational search and discovery got together to contribute code (in what’s commonly called a code sprint) to Creative Commons’ DiscoverEd project. Readers interested in the technical details about our work last week can find daily posts on CC Labs…
WikiEducator's Wayne Mackintosh: Open Education and Policy
by Timothy Vollmer UncategorizedAt the beginning of this year we announced a revised approach to our education plans, focusing our activities to support of the Open Educational Resources (OER) movement. In order to do so we have worked hard to increase the amount of information available on our own site – in addition to a new Education landing page and…
Aviary Launches New Music Creator
by cameron UncategorizedYesterday Aviary released a brand new music creation tool, codenamed Roc. Roc employs a straight-forward grid-based interface that enables Aviary users of all musical backgrounds to create compositions easily. Most exciting to the CC community is that the instrument library accompanying Rock is released under a CC Attribution license: Best of all, completed music made…
Mozilla Drumbeat Festival 2010: Learning, freedom and the web
by Jane Park EventsMozilla has announced the first ever Drumbeat Festival focused on learning, freedom, and the web. Mozilla wants you to save the dates November 4-5, as the festival is set to take place in Barcelona—also where the Open Ed Conference will be taking place from November 2-4. From the announcement: Learning, freedom and the web are…
Shareable Magazine
by Jane Park UncategorizedNeal Gorenflo by Shareable | CC BY-NC-SA Last week, Shareable—the online magazine about sharing culture—launched a survey asking you how much you share. The survey contributed to CC’s Catalyst Campaign, which is continuing through the month of June. This week, CC talks with Shareable co-founder and publisher, Neal Gorenflo. The caption for Shareable is “Design…
CC Australia releases 3.0, explains improvements
by michelle UncategorizedOur CC jurisdiction teams are always hard at work on critical license maintenance and version upgrades. Currently, many of these talented local teams are adapting Version 3.0, released February 2007, to the laws and languages of more than 70 jurisdictions around the globe. Joining the jurisdictions that offer licenses at 3.0 is Creative Commons Australia,…
Peer 2 Peer University's Philipp Schmidt on paying for (CC) infrastructure
by mike UncategorizedPeer 2 Peer University co-founder and director Philipp Schmidt (see our posts on P2PU, a cutting-edge open education project) has written an excellent post on his Sharing Nicely blog about supporting our Catalyst Campaign: Today Creative Commons launches their catalyst campaign – brother to the recently announced catalyst grant programme. I like how they connect…