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Members Share Their Experiences with the CC Open Culture Platform

Open Culture
An illustration showing lots of human hands of various colors reaching together to hold up a glowing, multicolored ball.

Do you know about the Creative Commons Open Culture Platform? It’s a space for open culture and cultural heritage practitioners, advocates, and enthusiasts to share resources, hold conversations, and collaborate on matters related to open access to cultural heritage, especially heritage held in galleries, libraries, archives and museums (GLAMs). As we were curious about our…

New FAQ on NFTs and CC0

Licenses & Tools
Black CC and CC0 logos side by side.

Unless you’ve been avoiding the internet entirely, you’ve probably heard about people buying and selling non-fungible tokens — or NFTs — unique data tokens that link to digital files, including artworks and other types of copyrightable works. CC has been following how people are creating and trading NFTs, and how the marketplace of creative works is…

Open Minds Podcast: Trudi Radtke on

About CC
Cartoonish illustration of a human hand holding a torch with a lightbulb radiating yellow light next to the words Open Minds above a #20CC icon and Creative Commons wordmark, all on a faded purplish-blue sky with white clouds.

Hi Creative Commoners! We are back with a new episode of CC’s Open Minds … from Creative Commons podcast. In this month’s episode of the show, Jennryn Wetzler, CC’s Director of Learning and Training, talks all things Open Education and Inclusive Access Textbooks with Trudi Radtke, former Open Education Project Manager at SPARC. is…

Press Release: New Four-Year, $4 Million Open Climate Campaign Will Open Knowledge to Solve Challenges in Climate and Biodiversity

Open Access, Open Climate, Open Data, Press

Mountain View, CA 30 Aug 2022: Creative Commons, SPARC and EIFL today announce a new 4-year, $4-million (USD) grant from Arcadia, to fund the Open Climate Campaign. This grant, which builds on $450,000 (USD) in planning funds from the Open Society Foundations, will fund a four-year campaign to accelerate progress towards solving the climate crisis…

A Big Win for Open Access: United States Mandates All Publicly Funded Research Be Freely Available with No Embargo

Copyright, Open Access, Open Data, Open Science
An orange open padlock icon sandwiched by the words open and access.

Today the United States White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) issued dramatic guidance to all US federal agencies: update all policies to require that all federally funded research and data is available for the public to freely access and re-use “in agency-designated repositories without any embargo or delay after publication.” Creative Commons…

Open Minds Podcast: Sam Williams of Arweave

About CC
Cartoonish illustration of a human hand holding a torch with a lightbulb radiating yellow light next to the words Open Minds above a #20CC icon and Creative Commons wordmark, all on a faded purplish-blue sky with white clouds.

Hi Creative Commoners! We are back with a new episode of CC’s Open Minds … from Creative Commons podcast. On this episode, CC’s Chief Operating Officer, Anna Tumadóttir, sits down for an interesting conversation with Sam Williams, the co-founder and CEO of Arweave, the company that created the Arweave protocol, a permanent archive of human…

Sharing Matters: What We’ve Learned at Creative Commons

About CC, Community

Sharing matters. Thanks to the digital revolution, we share things like never before, from scientific research to family photos, from day-to-day life to college courses — and all instantaneously. The variety and volume of sharing today was unimaginable even just a decade ago. Now social media and publishing platforms, smartphones, cheap data, and expanded internet…