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Category: About CC

2016 State of the Commons: Call for submissions

About CC

Since 2014, CC has published an annual State of the Commons report that tracks the growth of CC-licensed content on the web. Last year, we reported a milestone of 1 billion CC-licensed works in the commons. This year, we are shifting our reporting focus to align with our new strategy. Quantitatively, we will still report…

Announcing the CC Europe meeting!

About CC

  Next weekend, 30 participants from 15 different countries will meet for a regional meeting in Lisbon, Portugal. In this packed weekend, we will work on a variety of subjects such as Copyright Reform during a School of Rocking Copyright session, OER and Open Science, CC Business models, Tech and Infrastructure, and we’ll also kick…

Call for photographers! (US based)

About CC
On Thursday, February 17, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius visited the Judy Hoyer Early Learning Center at Cool Springs Elementary School in Adelphi, Maryland. HHS photo by Chris Smith, US Government work

Are you a seasoned, professional US-based photographer with experience photographing in school settings? Do you use CC or CC0 licensing? Tweet us your portfolio or send it along to We’re looking to build a list of photographers for our community to contact for projects, beginning with this specific ask. Please stay tuned for more announcements!…

A long-awaited new look for our website

About CC

One of the projects I knew I wanted to take on when I joined Creative Commons as CEO was a major website redesign. The CC site has always been a valuable source of information about our mission, our community, and the legal tools we offer. While there’s a lot of new things happening at CC,…

CC is Awesome!


‘Awesome’ by Sam Howzit, CC BY 2.0 on Flickr One of the greatest strengths of the Creative Commons organization is the dedicated volunteers worldwide who help build openly licensed projects and educate the public about CC in their local communities and internationally. A few months ago, we provided mini grants to these communities through The…