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Category: Licenses & Tools

Reproductions of Public Domain Works Should Remain in the Public Domain

Copyright, Licenses & Tools, Open Access
Bust of Nefertiti

It has come to the attention of Creative Commons that there is an increased use of CC licenses by cultural heritage institutions on photographic reproductions and 3D scans of objects such as sculptures, busts, engravings, and inscriptions, among others, that are indisputably in the public domain worldwide. A recent example is the 3000-year-old Nefertiti bust…

Traditional Knowledge and the Commons: The Open Movement, Listening, and Learning

Licenses & Tools

CC licenses and public domain tools help individuals, organisations, and public institutions better disseminate digital resources and data, breaking down the typical barriers associated with traditional “all rights reserved” copyright. At the same time, CC licenses can’t do everything for everyone. First, the licenses operate in the sphere of copyright and similar rights. They do…

We’ve Redesigned the CC License “Legal Code” Pages

Licenses & Tools
The new design

Last week, we launched a redesign of Creative Commons’ various license (aka “legal code”) pages. See one for yourself. In this post, I’ll spell out what the changes are and why we made them. The most obvious change we made is updating the overall look of the pages so that they resemble the rest of…