[read this post in English >] Tenemos un grupo increíble de personas preparadas para ser oradores principales en la Cumbre Global 2023, que se llevará a cabo del 3 al 6 de octubre en la Ciudad de México. En nuestros primeros anuncios, dimos la bienvenida a la escritora Anya Kamenetz y al líder de medios…
[lee esta entrada en español >] We have an incredible group of people lined up to be keynote speakers at the 2023 CC Global Summit, to be held 3–6 October in Mexico City. In our first announcements, we welcomed writer Anya Kamenetz and Māori media leader Peter-Lucas Jones. We are now deeply honored to announce…
Today Creative Commons (CC) delivered a statement to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Conversation on Generative AI and Intellectual Property, as part of our engagement in global policy discussions around the important issues raised by these new technologies and their impact on creativity, the commons, and better sharing, i.e. sharing that is inclusive, equitable,…
Jennie says “one thing that I love about the internet is that it has allowed us to do things we weren’t able to in the past.” In this episode we learn about the differences between digital and physical collections and what it means to be open to the public online as well as in real…
This week, Creative Commons (CC) convened 100+ participants during two events in New York City to discuss the important issues surrounding generative artificial intelligence (AI), copyright, and creativity. For many years, we at CC have been examining the interplay between copyright and generative AI, exploring ways in which this technology can foster creativity and better…
“New content thrives on reuse and remixing of old content which is increased when you have an open approach to culture.” Fred believes that open culture simplifies many aspects of culture preservation, sharing, and creation by making things clearer and easier to manage for institutions and individuals and that open culture solves challenges for future…
As part of Creative Commons’ ongoing community consultation on generative AI, CC has engaged with a wide variety of stakeholders, including artists and content creators, about how to help make generative AI work better for everyone. Certainly, many artists have significant concerns about AI, and we continue to explore the many ways they might be…
“Open Is Beautiful” by Tetiana Korniichuk for Creative Commons and Fine Acts is licensed via CC BY-SA 4.0. As part of our #20CC anniversary, last year we joined forces with Fine Acts to spark a global dialogue on what better sharing looks like in action. Our #BetterSharing collection of illustrations was the result — we…
“Culture is something that should be shared among many people.” Hardi talks about the work he is doing with Wikipedia to make collections in Indonesia accessible to the wider world. He explains how the internet makes unique cultures more visible and promotes dialogue between cultures. Open Culture VOICES is a series of short videos that…
One of the motivations for founding Creative Commons (CC) was offering more choices for people who wish to share their works openly. Through engagement with a wide variety of stakeholders, we heard frustrations with the “all or nothing” choices they seemed to face with copyright. Instead they wanted to let the public share and reuse…