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Category: Uncategorized

South Africa


Creative Commons is working with UCT Intellectual Property Law Research Unit to create South Africa jurisdiction-specific licenses from the generic Creative Commons licenses. CCi South Africa List Legal Project Lead: Tobias Schonwetter Public Project Lead: Dave Duarte Team member:  Andrew Rens License draft. English explanation of substantive legal changes. See the project website. Subscribe to…

Uncategorized is a new website that aims to create an easily accessible database of simple ways to make your everyday choices more environmentally friendly. This is accomplished through a listing of broad categories – appliances, personal care, clothing, etc. – with a variety of sub-categories – air-conditioning, face wash, shoes, etc. – that contain professional…

Nine Inch Nails' "The Slip" out under a Creative Commons license


More very exciting news from Nine Inch Nails: Just two months after the Creative Commons-licensed release of NIN’s Ghosts I-IV, the band has released another album, entitled The Slip, also under CC terms. NIN has this to say about The Slip, which, like its predecessor, is available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike license. we…

Each of us in our humble way…


Ambient sound artist Gurdonark writes beautifully at the (unofficial) ccMixterblog on Virtuosos, Rock Stars and Remix Culture: We all tend to make remixes more than we tend to discuss high-flown concepts–but my simple premise is that we should never forget that we are part of a conversation about permissive licensing and its virtue in advancing…

National Cancer Institute to use Tranche Network to share data


From the Science Commons blog … “The National Cancer Institute will soon be using Tranche to store and share mouse proteomic data from its Mouse Proteomic Technologies Initiative (MPTI). Tranche, a free and open source file sharing tool for scientific data, was one of the earliest testers of CC0. Many thanks to Tranche for providing…

CC Guatemala enters public discussion


Today CC Guatemala’s localized license draft enters the public discussion. The CC Guatemala team, lead by Renata Avila and hosted at the Universidad Francisco Marroquin’s New Media Center, has been working through the license porting process to produce a draft of CC BY-NC-SA adapted to Guatemalan law. As part of the public discussion, we invite…

Rockefeller U. Press Uses CC Licenses to Reduce Permission Barriers


From the Science Commons blog, Thinh Nguyen on Rockefeller University Press’ recent announcement: “Leading by example, the Rockefeller University Press has issued a bold challenge to other non-OA publishers to find new ways to strike a balance between sustainable publishing and advancing authors’ freedoms and the public interest. The Press adopted a new copyright policy…

Computers, Freedom, and Privacy: Technology Policy '08


Early Bird Registration is tomorrow, May 2, for the 18th annual Computers, Freedom, and Privacy (CFP) conference. This year, the conference is on Technology Policy—focusing on the technology policy priorities of the next administration. From CFP’s site: “Technology Policy ’08 is an opportunity to participate in shaping those issues being made into laws and regulations…

Welcome 2008 Summer of Coders


The call for submissions for Google Summer of Code 2008 has closed and I’m happy to announce that four students will be working on projects for Creative Commons this summer. In no particular order, they are: CC Logger (statistical log analysis), by Ankit Guglani, mentored by Asheesh Laroia RDFa Support for Semantic MediaWiki, by David…

Custom CC Search


Google has supported searching for Creative Commons licensed content through the usage rights portion of the advanced search interface for some time. Last week they took the next logical step by announcing on the Custom Search blog that you can now use the indexed license information to filter results in your own custom search engine.…