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The WIRED CD: Earplug

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I forgot to blog this last week when a friend pointed me to it: online music mag Earplug’s current issue blurbs the forthcoming WIRED CD and November issue. A taste of the punchy and deliciously accurate write-up: The Creative Commons license is not a free-for-all: some of the artists permit only non-commercial sampling and sharing…

New design for Creative Commons!

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We’re happy to have launched our completely revamped and retooled website, at It’s a new direction towards simplicity and promoting the millions of license works found online today. We worked with Adaptive Path on tailoring the site along two major themes: Find to help you find works to listen to, look at, remix, and…

New Website Puts 2004 Campaign Media in the People's Hands

About CC post lets friends and colleagues share political videos with just a click, thanks to Creative Commons copyright licensing SAN FRANCISCO, CA, USA —October 17, 2004—A new people-to-people website,, today announced a free service for sharing political expression online. The site enables anyone to select from a menu of video clips the ones that best…

Creative Commons in Canada and Spain

About CC post

OPEN COPYRIGHT LICENSES OFFERED IN CANADA AND SPAIN Creative Commons introduces its innovative copyright licenses to Canada and Spain; free legal tools available in two languages in each country San Francisco, USA; Ottawa, Canada; and Barcelona, Spain — Oct. 11, 2004 — Creative Commons, a non-profit organization that provides an alternative to full copyright, recently…

Art, not law — a new radio program

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The Creative Remix, with host Benjamen Walker, is an hour-long “lawyer free” examination of the art, culture, and history of the remix. The hour kicks off with a musical analysis of DJ Dangermouse’s infamous remix of the Beatles and Jay-Z. Then we go back in time to check out the ancient Roman art of the…

Mashing is so easy

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This week in San Francisco, there’s an interesting conference being held called Web 2.0. In a week of panel discussions, the future of the internet is being charted among technology and industry leaders. Jeff Veen recalls a discussion of copyright among music industry folks including famous mash-up artist DJ Dangermouse. After a lot of hand-wringing…

Barcelona in Creative Commons mode

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The University of Barcelona hosted a great conference last Friday in their beautiful Aula Magna to celebrate the launch of the Spanish CC licenses – also available in a Catalan version. Spanish project lead Ignasi Labastida i Juan had arranged for authorities from the regional government as well as from academia to present their take…


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“It has an influence far out of proportion to its size, and some think it could be a guidepost for a record industry in desperate need of direction.” There is a great article on Nonesuch Records in today’s New York Times magazine. Nonesuch is the label that brings us the recordings of David Byrne, Wilco,…