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Team Open: Stories of how we use Creative Commons

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A few weeks ago, we published a report showing that there are nearly a billion Creative Commons–licensed works. That’s an impressive number, but it only hints at how powerful and widespread CC licenses have become. The real story of Creative Commons is the story of the people who use CC licenses. It’s the story of…

Free Bassel

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Bassel / Joi Ito / CC BY As of today, Creative Commons Syria lead Bassel Khartabil has been in prison for 1000 days. Today, we take a moment to honor Bassel and his contributions to Creative Commons. And we stand with our peers in the free software and free culture communities in demanding that he…

Lessig to speak in San Francisco

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Lawrence Lessig / Joi Ito / CC BY CC co-founder Lawrence Lessig will speak on January 8 at the Jewish Community Center of San Francisco. JCCSF has provided CC with a special discount code to share with our community. From the announcement: Harvard Law Professor and legal activist Lawrence Lessig (Republic, Lost) believes he’s found…

Internet Censorship Editathon in San Francisco

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Join us in San Francisco on December 14 for a Wikipedia Editathon on interent censorship. If you’ve never edited a Wikipedia article, don’t worry! There will be experts there to help you through the process. From the announcement: Join volunteers from the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Creative Commons, and the Bay Area Wikipedia community to write…


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#SharingEveryday December marks the time of year when many of us start thinking about making year-end gifts to our favorite charities, and #GivingTuesday has become one of the most popular days for donating. As you’re thinking about which organizations you’ll support this year, we hope you’ll think about how Creative Commons affects your life (and…

German appellate court upholds common-sense attribution

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All six Creative Commons licenses require licensees to attribute the original creator. Although we provide guidelines for attributing a work, we also recognize that standards for how and where licensees should provide attribution vary a lot from medium to medium. That’s why CC licenses allow licensees to fulfill the attribution requirement “…In any reasonable manner…

CC goes to #Mozfest 2014

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Creative Commons staff, affiliates, and supporters were active participants and contributors at this year’s Mozilla Festival, which has become an annual rallying point for the Open Web and our shared values. Our sessions covered a wide range of issues, from new technology, to open education and science, to working as an open organization. Thanks to…

K-12 OER Collaborative launches RFP for math and English

Open Education post

Math, Math, Math, math, mathh….maaah….. / Aaron Escobar / CC BY The newly founded K-12 OER Collaborative has released an RFP for the creation of open educational resources (OER) in mathematics and English language arts and literacy. As all content developed under this RFP will be openly licensed under CC BY 4.0, U.S. states, territories…

The best community we could ask for

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The best community we could ask for November 25, 2013, was a day we had looked forward to for years — the official launch date of Version 4.0 of the Creative Commons licenses. But despite months of planning, something unexpected started to happen just after we hit publish: our website started to fail. We spent the…