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CC Network: Now with Promo Codes!

Technology post

One thing Nathan and John have been working on under the hood of the Creative Commons Network over the last couple of months is a promotional code system which gives us (and you) more flexibility when purchasing account subscriptions. Starting today, when you donate $50 or more to Creative Commons ($25 for students), you’ll be…

Food Safety Knowledge Network calls for OER

Open Education post

The Food Safety Knowledge network is seeking CC licensed open educational resources in the area of food safety. From their announcement: “With the increasing demand for safe food and the growing globalization of food production and manufacturing, there is a great need for no-cost, accessible training and educational resources for food safety professionals, especially those…

Back to School in Spanish

Open Education post

As students around the world return to school, ccLearn blogs about the evolving education landscape, ongoing projects to improve educational resources, education technology, and the future of education. Browse the “Back to School” tag for more posts in this series. As a follow-up to Back to School week, Carolina Botero, ccLearn’s regional liason at CC…

New Zealand Government Promoting Open Data

Uncategorized post

“There’s a trend going around the world for open data,” says Mark Harris, former manager of web standards at the New Zealand State Services Commission and co-organizer of Wellington’s recent Open Govt Data Barcamp and Hackfest. He’s right, and New Zealand is certainly trailblazing. Last week, Creative Commons New Zealand reported that their national government…

Back to School: What's new at Vital Signs?

Open Education post

As students around the world return to school, ccLearn blogs about the evolving education landscape, ongoing projects to improve educational resources, education technology, and the future of education. Browse the “Back to School” tag for more posts in this series. Last year, Sarah Kirn, the Manager of the Vital Signs project at the Gulf of…

Back to School: It's Raining Textbooks

Open Education post

As students around the world return to school, ccLearn blogs about the evolving education landscape, ongoing projects to improve educational resources, education technology, and the future of education. Browse the “Back to School” tag for more posts in this series. All that matters in the news these days is health care, that is, health care…

Does your sharing scale?

About CC post

Hannes Grobe / CC BY-SA Techdirt’s Mike Masnick is perhaps the most prolific blogger on the ill impact of overly restrictive legal regimes, including of course copyright and patents, but also trademark and even employment law (see Noncompete Agreements Are The DRM Of Human Capital) and often on people delivering real value to customers (sad…

Join Creative Commons for Mozilla Service Week September 14-21

Events post

Mozilla Service Week is happening September 14-21, 2009, and during that week Mozilla is trying to bring people together to help teach one another about the web. Creative Commons is answering Mozilla’s call for participation by hosting an online help desk via our IRC channel. Our IRC channel (#cc on the Freenode network) is typically…

Back to School: DiscoverEd

Open Education post

As students around the world return to school, ccLearn blogs about the evolving education landscape, ongoing projects to improve educational resources, education technology, and the future of education. Browse the “Back to School” tag for more posts in this series. Years from now, what will it mean for teachers to prep for a new school-year?…