CC10Musicians iPhone app from CC Korea
by Timothy Vollmer Uncategorized postCC Korea has given Creative Commons a cool 10th birthday present with the release of the CC10Musicians iPhone app (Android app coming soon). From CC Korea: We introduce 10 teams of musicians sharing their music under a Creative Commons License. From Brazil to Iceland, from Hip-Hop to Indie Rock, discover awesome music from all over…
European CC Affiliates Celebrate #cc10 with a Mixtape of Inspiring CC-Licensed Music
by elliot Uncategorized postGuest blog post by Teresa Nobre, Legal Project Lead at Creative Commons Portugal One of the opportunities for Creative Commons to continue its rapid evolution is more collaboration between the various affiliates. In September, representatives of CC’s affiliates in 17 different European countries attended a regional meeting and discussed, among other things, Creative Commons’ 10th…
A #cc10 Birthday Song Contest from Free Music Archive
by elliot Uncategorized postOur friends at Free Music Archive have just announced a contest to dethrone one of the most notoriously copyrighted songs of all time. From FMA’s blog: The Free Music Archive wants to wish Creative Commons a Happy 10th Birthday with a song. But there’s a problem. Although “Happy Birthday To You” is the most recognized…
Dublab Celebrates #cc10 with a New Music Mix
by Eric Steuer Uncategorized postIn celebration of the tenth anniversary of Creative Commons, our good friends at Dublab created an awesome #cc10 music mix. The continuous blend includes 22 tracks by esteemed artists like Bradford Cox, Lucky Dragons, Nite Jewel, Dntel, and Matthewdavid. The mix is available for free download and is available to the world under CC’s BY-NC…
Netlabels and the Democratization of Music
by elliot Uncategorized postLast week, open access journal First Monday published an excellent research article (licensed CC BY-NC-ND) by Patryk Galuszka called Netlabels and Democratization of the Music Industry. If you’re not familiar with the term, a netlabel is a sort of lighter-weight record label. Netlabels distribute music recordings primarily over the Internet, many of them for free…
Musician Dan Bull reaches #9 on UK indie charts using CC0
by Jane Park Uncategorized postDan bull / Tim Dobson / CC BY-SA Indie musician Dan Bull released “Sharing is Caring” into the public domain using CC0. Recently, “Sharing is Caring” reached #9 on the UK independent chart and #35 on the UK R&B Chart. Creative Commons United Kingdom interviewed Dan about why he chose to release his music for…
36 monthly albums & more new music under Creative Commons
by Jane Park Uncategorized postIn the world of music, Creative Commons licenses continue to be used by upcoming and established musicians for everything from remix contests to album-a-month projects. And since CC-licensed music may be blaring from outerspace for the first time in history on NASA’s Endeavour mission, we thought it would be a good time to do a…
On CBC podcasts and CC-licensed music available for commercial use
by mike Uncategorized postOn Friday, Michael Geist broke the story that the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation had apparently banned use of CC-licensed music in its podcasts. This seemed odd, given that the CBC’s Spark podcast has long used, promoted, and done interesting projects with CC-licensed music. It is always gratifying to see CC supporters (superheroes even!) quickly respond —…
Aviary Launches New Music Creator
by cameron Uncategorized postYesterday Aviary released a brand new music creation tool, codenamed Roc. Roc employs a straight-forward grid-based interface that enables Aviary users of all musical backgrounds to create compositions easily. Most exciting to the CC community is that the instrument library accompanying Rock is released under a CC Attribution license: Best of all, completed music made…
Music Communities
pageBelow is a list of exemplary music communities that utilize our tools, typically by enabling users to upload content under one of our free licenses. If there is a community we are missing, please add it to our wiki as this page is periodically updated. For more information, see our related page on Creative Commons…