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What to Do if Your CC-Licensed Work is Misused


The CC licenses are designed to make sharing simple and place minimal requirements on reusers who want to be able to use creative works. However, sometimes reusers still misuse CC-licensed works, either intentionally or by mistake, and as a licensor, there are several things you can do about it.  Before you take action: Before you…

Applications for the 2021 CC Global Summit Access Fund are open now

Events post

At Creative Commons, openness, diversity, inclusion, and democratization are at the heart of everything we do. We strive to create an inclusive experience at each CC Global Summit, ensuring that each event is as accessible as possible and that underrepresented groups feel welcome in the CC community. Over the years, Creative Commons has built a…

License Enforcement


The Creative Commons licenses are a set of legal tools that allow creators to share their works freely under some simple conditions. These licenses are intended to allow the flourishing of artistic, educational, scholarly, and expressive culture, and so the conditions on use of CC-licensed material are minimal. Someone who uses a CC license wants…

Introducing the CC Global Summit Program Committee

Events post

We are grateful to introduce our Summit Program Committee! This year’s program wouldn’t be possible without this amazing group of volunteers, and we want to thank them for their dedication to creating a groundbreaking program so we can gather again to learn, share and create! Special thanks to our co-chairs Brigitte Vézina and John Okewole.…