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Rise of the mixmaster

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Forbes magazine columnist Sam Whitmore writes about “four distinct groups that will create content no matter what transpires on the business end of media”: Then there’s the rise of the mixmaster. … Traditional copyright law didn’t foresee this kind of thing. … A potential solution already exists from San Francisco-based Creative Commons, a non-profit organization…

Divers hands make great work

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Today I learned that the word divers has an old usage meaning “diverse” or “various.” Divers hands is an old phrase used to indicate collaborative authorship, now most often used for works building on H.P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos, e.g., ‘by HP Lovecraft and Divers Hands’. Skotos has released another CC-licensed comic: Lovecraft Country: Return to…

CC Licensing for WordPress: Now with AJAX

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wpLicense 0.5 is out. wpLicense is a project I whipped up a while back to experiment with the Creative Commons web services and AJAX. I also needed CC licensing for WordPress and wasn’t satisfied with the existing solutions. This is the third release I’ve made, and the first I actually think should be usable by…

Doc Searls

Open Culture post

Speaker, blogger, writer, and former radio personality, Doc Searls is the Senior Editor of Linux Journal, co-founder of GeekPAC and the American Open Technology Consortium, and a leading blogger. Widely recognized as an authority on technology and marketing, Doc is co-author of the #1 sales and marketing bestseller The Cluetrain Manifesto, which will be released…

Mark Watson

Open Culture post

Mark Watson is an accomplished programmer and writer of thirteen books on various technical topics. An expert in artificial intelligence and language processing, Watson has advised the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and is currently developing KnowledgeBooks, an information management tool. Recently, Watson released two books, Practical Artificial Intelligence Programming in Java and Loving Lisp,…

Microsoft Releases RSS extension under CC-BY-SA license

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Microsoft today announced the release of its Simple List Extensions specification to RSS under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license. The extensions will enable content providers to deliver ordered lists – wish-lists, top-ten lists, playlists, etc. – using RSS, keeping the list constantly up-to-date and allowing users to filter, sort, or pivot the list in any…

Fantastic (cc)omic

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Not two weeks ago Comixpedia published a roundtable on Creative Commons and Webcomics, but perhaps two weeks too soon. Role playing game company Skotos was readying the release under a CC license of a professionally drawn companion comic book to its Castle Marrach online game: Castle Marrach: Awakenings. Now released, obviously. Skotos Director of Operations…

Podsafe Music Making Sense

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ccMixter-meister Victor Stone points to the definitive list for the moment of podcasting safe music resources at Dave’s Imaginary Sound Space. Many CC-licensed music sites are listed, including many I hadn’t seen before. Dave’s list is a great place to start if you’re looking for CC-licensed music for your podcast or otherwise. We have an…

CC search query breakdown

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In March we posted a CC search index breakdown showing what license properties publishers have chosen to use, based on content crawled for our search engine. The following table has corresponding numbers for search engine queries. Given a format-specific query, what percentage of users limit results to works that may be used commercially, to make…

Searching For CC on the Desktop

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As anyone who’s looked at Mac OS X lately knows, one of the major new features in 10.4 is Spotlight, which allows you to search files on your computer based on specific bits of metadata. The great thing about Spotlight is that it goes beyond the traditional filename, changed date search and allows you to…