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Fragile digital music or fragile rights?

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Andreas Bovens suggested looking at this comment on a Slashdot story on the future of digital audio. You may be able to pick up the gist of the comment thread from the punchline: Maybe the problem isn’t that the music is fragile, only that your rights are. Maybe the solution isn’t worrying so much about…

WINKsite goes CC!

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WINKsite, a publishing and community platform that helps creators bring their content into the mobile environment, has recently launched the Creative Commons Mobile Library, containing Creative Commons licensed works that can be viewed from mobile devices. The initial group of content contains a selection of books licensed under Creative Commons licenses, and is set to…

Rediscover Culture with Firefox & CC Search

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Cool thing about Firefox 1.0 number 75387: access to the Creative Commons search engine is built in. If you’re already using Firefox 1.0, just click on the search drop-down to the upper right of the browser window and select Creative Commons. If you’re not using Firefox, get with the program! The Creative Commons search engine…

California Lawyers For the Arts

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Yesterday, I had the pleasure of speaking on a panel at the California Laywers for the Arts, Music Business Seminar. It was a great event — we discussed how the Internet is affecting commercial music distribution, and business models. In the context of the file-sharing debate, I spoke about how Creative Commons can clarify whether…

Who holds the copyright to the Universe?

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Back cover of the inaugural issue of PLoS Medicine. Yesterday the Public Library of Science released the first issue of their second journal, PLoS Medicine. All articles are available under the Creative Commons Attribution License. Open Access News covers reactions to the new journal with several posts over the last few days. Also see our…

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A new site called P2P Politics is now live. The site enables anyone to select from a menu of video clips the ones that best express their view of the U.S. presidential elections, and then email links to those clips, along with a personalized message, to friends, family, and colleagues. It is like a cross…

New Website Puts 2004 Campaign Media in the People's Hands

About CC post lets friends and colleagues share political videos with just a click, thanks to Creative Commons copyright licensing SAN FRANCISCO, CA, USA —October 17, 2004—A new people-to-people website,, today announced a free service for sharing political expression online. The site enables anyone to select from a menu of video clips the ones that best…

Browsing and searching for licensed photos at Flickr

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Flickr is a great online photo sharing app that allows you to tag all your photos with a Creative Commons license. We’ve blogged about it in the past and interviewed the founder as well. Today they launched an entire area of their site devoted to showing off all the photos within their system that are…