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Tag: Affiliate Network (defunct)

Annuncia la traduzione 4.0 della licenza in Italiano!

Licenses & Tools
The community of the Nexa Center at Politecnico di Torino, the Italian CC network affiliate institution.

The CC 4.0 licenses are now translated into Italian The official Italian translation of the Creative Commons 4.0 Licenses and CC0 waiver is now available! Led by CC Italy, the translations also benefited from the collaboration with CC Switzerland. The working group was hosted and coordinated by the Nexa Center for Internet & Society at…

Hacia la Implementación del Tratado de Marrakech en Uruguay

Licenses & Tools

El “Tratado de Marrakech para facilitar el acceso a obras publicadas a las personas ciegas, con discapacidad visual o con otras dificultades para acceder al texto impreso”, constituye un hito en la relación entre los derechos de autor y los DD.HH., siendo el primer tratado internacional consagrado con el objetivo exclusivo de proteger los derechos de acceso a la cultura y el conocimiento.

Almanaque Azul: a Panamanian travel guide licensed under CC

Licensed under CC BY-NC by Alamanque Azul

Almanaque Azul is a group of Panamanian environmentalists, artists, and explorers that began the process of creating a travel guide for the beaches of the Republic of Panama in 2005 through a blog that chronicled the amazing cultural and natural diversity of various small towns and deserted beaches. Over the years, dozens of volunteers reported…