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Tag: fundraising

CC is looking for a Director of Strategic Partnerships


Donor Strategy cake / HowardLake / CC BY-SA Creative Commons is looking for a Director of Strategic Partnerships! The Director of Strategic Partnerships will be responsible for building and executing a comprehensive fundraising strategy, focusing mainly on individual and corporate donations. This position will report directly to the Controller and work very closely with the…

A personal appeal from CC CEO Cathy Casserly


Cathy Casserly by Shanti Duprez / CC BY Dear CC Community, The world is experiencing an explosion of openness. From artists inviting creative collaboration to governments around the world requiring publicly funded works be available to everyone, the spirit and practice of sharing is gaining momentum and producing results. By supporting Creative Commons, you are…

CERN supports Creative Commons


Creative Commons is deeply honored to announce CERN corporate support at the “creator level”. CERN is one of the world’s premier scientific institutions–home of the Large Hadron Collider and birthplace of the web. This donation comes on the occasion of the publication under Creative Commons licenses of the first results of LHC experiments. Dr. Salvatore…

Peer 2 Peer University's Philipp Schmidt on paying for (CC) infrastructure


Peer 2 Peer University co-founder and director Philipp Schmidt (see our posts on P2PU, a cutting-edge open education project) has written an excellent post on his Sharing Nicely blog about supporting our Catalyst Campaign: Today Creative Commons launches their catalyst campaign – brother to the recently announced catalyst grant programme. I like how they connect…

Nobel Prize in Economics to Elinor Ostrom "for her analysis of economic governance, especially the commons"


The 2009 Nobel Prize in Economics was awarded today to Elinor Ostrom and Oliver Williamson for their research on economic governance. Ostrom’s award is particularly exciting, for it cites her study of the commons. Commons? That sounds familiar! Ostrom’s pioneering work mostly concerns the governance of common-pool resources — resources that are rivalrous (i.e., scarce,…

CC licensed photos and the International Olympic Committee


Weezie’s Birthday Ballooning by Richard Giles / CC BY-SA Richard Giles, a social media specialist in Australia who frequently posts and CC licenses photos on Flickr, received a threatening letter from the International Olympic Committee last week, mentioning a set of photos he had taken at the 2008 games in Beijing. Giles posted a rundown…

Anne Wojcicki and Sergey Brin Support CC with $500,000 Gift


Creative Commons is honored to have received an incredibly generous gift of $500,000 from 23andMe co-founder Anne Wojcicki and Google co-founder Sergey Brin. We are delighted that the couple recognizes the importance of Creative Commons and has decided to invest in our work to support sharing, collaboration, and the spread of knowledge and creativity. This…

Funding CC is hard work


Last week an article in the Washington Post casued quite a stir among nonprofits who raise funds online. To Nonprofits Seeking Cash, Facebook App Isn’t So Green says that the “Causes” social network application available on Facebook, MySpace and other social networks hasn’t met expectations. This has provoked a lot of discussion and some deserved…