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Tag: public policy
Time is running out for net neutrality
by Timothy Vollmer CopyrightAct now and support the #OneMoreVote campaign to trigger Senate review of the FCC repeal In December 2017, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted along party lines to repeal the 2015 Open Internet Order that ensured net neutrality in the United States. Without net neutrality, broadband providers like Comcast and Verizon will have free reign…
Is Copyright Term Extension Finally Done?
by Timothy Vollmer CopyrightWe’re taking part in Copyright Week, a series of actions and discussions supporting key principles that should guide copyright policy. Every day this week, various groups are taking on different elements of the law, and addressing what’s at stake, and what we need to do to make sure that copyright promotes creativity and innovation. Today’s…
The battle for the net continues after FCC erases net neutrality rules
by Timothy Vollmer CopyrightAn open internet is crucial for all creators, thinkers, and makers on the web As expected, yesterday the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted along party lines to repeal the 2015 Open Internet Order that ensured net neutrality in the United States. Without net neutrality, broadband providers like Comcast and Verizon will have free reign to…
Sign the Petition: Public Money Should Produce Public Code
by Timothy Vollmer CopyrightThe Free Software Foundation Europe and a broad group of organisations including Creative Commons are supporting the Public Money, Public Code campaign. The initiative calls for the adoption of policies that require that software paid for by the public be made broadly available as Free and Open Source Software. Nearly 40 organisations and over 6200…
European Parliament Must Protect Scientific Research
by Timothy Vollmer CopyrightIn June we asked the European Parliament to redouble their efforts to make much-needed improvements to the EU copyright reform. We called on the Parliament to spearhead crucial changes that promote creativity and business opportunities, enable research and education, and protect user rights in the digital market. Despite this strong ask, the direction of the…
The European Commission should repeal extra rights for databases
by Timothy Vollmer Copyright, Licenses & ToolsIn 1996 the European Union adopted the Database Directive, which aimed to harmonise the treatment of databases under copyright law and introduced the sui generis database right for non-original databases. Sui generis database rights are separate from copyright. They protect the “sweat of the brow” of the person who has made a substantial investment in obtaining,…
Should copyright law deny creators the right to share freely? Let the authors choose.
by Timothy Vollmer CopyrightImposing a mandatory and unwaivable compensation scheme violates the letter and spirit of open licensing. Copyright policymakers in Europe and South America have proposed legislation that would impose an unwaivable right to financial remuneration for authors and performers on copyrighted works. The laws attempt to ensure that creators receive payment for their work, but they…
Battle For the Net: A Day of Action to Save Net Neutrality
by Timothy Vollmer CopyrightTell the FCC to protect net neutrality today Creative Commons and dozens of the world’s largest web platforms are joining countless internet users and online communities to take action in support of net neutrality. Net neutrality is the principle that internet service providers should treat all online data the same, and not discriminate or charge…
Dozens of organizations call on European Parliament to redouble efforts for progressive copyright changes
by Timothy Vollmer CopyrightBut one member of the EPP wants to weaponize the worst parts of the copyright plan This week, Creative Commons and over 60 organisations sent an open letter urging European lawmakers to “put the copyright reform back on the right track”. The letter criticizes the Commission’s lackluster proposal for a Directive on Copyright in the Digital…
Wikipedia Says It’s Time for Fair Use in Australia
by Timothy Vollmer Copyright, UncategorizedThis week Wikipedia is urging users in Australia to tell their government representatives to champion fair use. The campaign, organised alongside Electronic Frontiers Australia and the Australian Digital Alliance, advocates for policy makers to update copyright law to include fair use, thus providing a progressive legal framework to support creators and remixers, educational activities, and…