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Tag: Weblog

Why we choose open


I promise to keep this short. I wanted to share a note we received from CC donor Dorothea Salo: When I was a librarian hired to run an institutional repository, CC licenses helped me cut through copyright thickets with worried-but-interested faculty. CC’s unwavering support for free culture, and promotion of its benefits, demonstrated every day…

Copyright Week: Read-only access is not enough


Today is the third day of Copyright Week, and today, we’re focusing on open access. As EFF put it in the Copyright Week principles: The results of publicly funded research should be made freely available to the public online, to be fully used by anyone, anywhere, anytime. This is a principle that Creative Commons has…

Google Image Search improves license filtering


If you use Google Image Search to look for CC-licensed photographs, you might have noticed an improvement to the interface this week. Rather than having to hunt for it in the advanced search options, you can now filter by CC license right from the “Search Tools” menu on the search results page. You can also…

Now Hiring: Web Developer / Systems Administrator


Spy Shot / Dan Mills / CC BY-NC-SA Creative Commons is looking for a full-stack engineer to maintain our systems and websites. From the job description: Creative Commons is looking for a full time Web Developer/Systems Administrator to develop and maintain the sites and systems that power CC on the Web. This is a unique…

Plaintext versions of Creative Commons 4.0 licenses


We are continuing our practice of providing official plaintext versions of the licenses, as we did with version 3.0. BY 4.0 (plaintext) BY-SA 4.0 (plaintext) BY-NC 4.0 (plaintext) BY-NC-SA 4.0 (plaintext) BY-ND 4.0 (plaintext) BY-NC-ND 4.0 (plaintext) As said in the previous entry: “For most works, plaintext legalcode doesn’t matter as linking directly to the…

Access to knowledge: a basic human right


At the age of 15, Jack Andraka developed a new method for detecting a rare type of pancreatic cancer. Like all scientific discoveries, Jack’s research built on the work of other researchers. Unlike those researchers, however, he lacked access to the expensive scholarly databases usually paid for by their universities. Fortunately, open access databases carrying…

Creative Commons seeks CEO


GS2013 Final Day in Hall / Ibtihel Zaatouri / CC BY-SA You might remember our announcement a few months ago that Cathy Casserly will be stepping down as CEO of Creative Commons this year. Today, we’re excited to officially open the search for the new CEO. Our friends at m/Oppenheim Associates are helping to coordinate…