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Tag: Weblog

CC News: Open Government Policy Developments

About CC

Stay up to date with CC news by subscribing to our weblog and following us on Twitter. While we gear up for the CC Global Summit that is just a week away, governments around the world continue to open up their data and adopt policies for maximum transparency and citizen engagement. Open government developments in…

Webinar to learn about the Learning Resource Metadata Initiative


The Association of Educational Publishers (AEP) and Creative Commons are hosting a webinar to introduce publishers, content developers, educators, and the general public to the Learning Metadata Resource Initiative (LRMI). Many of you read about its launch in June, and maybe even saw that the Technical Working Group had been finalized and is starting work.…

ccMixter remix collaboration for the Global Summit CC Salon


Two of the main Polish acts for the Global Summit CC Salon (a musical concert) are encouraging remixes of their tracks under CC BY-NC-SA. A couple sample tracks have been uploaded to, under users “masala” and “axmusique.” Masala is a music fusion collective whose genre can only be determined as ethno-electro-ragga-punk-hip-hop, which is famous…

Dossier on EU sound recording copyright extension


Creative Commons was launched in the aftermath of a retroactive copyright term extension in the U.S. and during a challenge to that extension, a challenge that economist Milton Friedman called a no brainer — a retroactive term extension cannot possibly incent the creation of new works, while at the same time it must rob the…

$20,000 Open Textbook Challenge from the Saylor Foundation


The Saylor Foundation has been known for organizing comprehensive curriculum for popular subject areas, and licensing the resources when they can under the CC Attribution license. Now with the launch of its Open Textbook Challenge, the Saylor Foundation aims to expand the amount of high-quality CC BY-licensed course materials by offering a $20,000 award for…

Winning poster designs for the Global Summit


The Creative Commons Global Summit Poster Competition has been a huge success, with 38 entries from around the world! We thank each and every one of you who submitted a design and participated in the voting process. Three winning designs were chosen based on popular vote and by a panel of judges from our CC Poland team…

Open government policy developments in Australasia


In the past few months, the Australasian region has seen several developments building on their commitments to open government. 3D Globe at Seattle Central Library by brewbooks / CC BY-NC-SA Last week in New Zealand, the Ministers of Finance and Internal Affairs adopted a statement detailing a new Declaration on Open and Transparent Government. The…

Data Governance, our idea for the Moore Foundation


The Moore Foundation has called for community feedback on where to invest in the area of data-intensive science. We’ve submitted our own idea — data governance — and would love your feedback and support for the idea. We have been exploring data governance issues, including data licensing, since 2004 in our science work, and we’re…

Open Government Data in Austria


City Hall (Rathaus) by http2007 / CC BY For a while now, government data for the City of Vienna has been open for reuse under the CC Attribution license. In a more national effort, the City of Vienna, along with the Chancellor’s Office and the Austrian cities of Linz, Salzburg and Graz, recently coordinated their…