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Author: Nate Angell

Can Open GLAM Reshape the Fashion Heritage Narrative?

Fashion plate featuring late 19th century fashion Fashion Plate (1886) published by Abel Goubad et Fils, French via the Smithsonian Design Museum (CC0)

On November 2 and 3, 2020, Creative Commons (CC), the European Fashion Heritage Association (EFHA) and the Onassis Foundation held the online symposium: Is Sharing Always Caring? Bringing together 250 participants from 38 countries on four continents— from museum professionals to fashion design students all the way to big fashion brands—the event was an opportunity…

Sharing Indigenous Cultural Heritage Online: An Overview of GLAM Policies

Ndebele Tribe in South Africa 15318215771_72c527508c_k Photo of the Ndebele Tribe in South Africa by UN (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)-

This post was co-authored by CC’s Open Policy Manager Brigitte Vézina and Legal and Policy Intern Alexis Muscat. Tomorrow is International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, a day that seeks to raise awareness of and support Indigenous peoples’ rights and aspirations around the world. We at Creative Commons (CC) wish to highlight this important…

Introducing the CC Global Network Platforms!

About CC, Community
World Feature Image Credit: "World" icon by Guilherme Furtado (BR) via Noun Project.

We’re excited to introduce the three Creative Commons Global Network (CCGN) Platforms: Open Glam, Copyright, and Open Education! These Platforms are created with our community in mind, and everyone is free to join. Open GLAM Network Platform Following the work that started in 2017, the Open GLAM (galleries, libraries, archives, and museums) Platform is currently…

Sharing Openly Licensed Content on Social Media: A Conversation with GLAM

Open Culture
La Donna Della Finestra with icons La Donna Della Finestra, 1881 by Dante Gabriel Rossetti via Birmingham Museums Trust (CC0)

The following is a summary of “GLAM Collections on Social Media: Navigating Copyright Questions—a conversation with Aleksandra Strzelichowska, Mikka Gee Conway and Anne Young” published on 31 May 2020 by Scann (licensed CC BY).  How often do you debate whether to share an openly licensed work on social media? If you do share a work,…

Copyright Law Must Enable Museums to Fulfill Their Mission


Today is International Museum Day and we at Creative Commons (CC) are thrilled to celebrate the institutions that curate, care for, and provide access to the world’s rich diversity of cultures, ideas, and forms of knowledge. This year’s theme, dedicated to the universal values of equality, diversity, and inclusion, is a testament to museums’ ability…

Using CC Licenses and Tools to Share and Preserve Cultural Heritage in the Face of Climate Change

Licenses & Tools, Open Culture
The Sultan Ahmed Mosque "Sultan Ahmed Mosque" by Konevi (CC0) via Pexels

On the occasion of both Earth Day and World Intellectual Property Day, which this year centers on the theme of Innovation for a Green Future, we’d like to underline the importance of cultural heritage preservation as a response to the threats posed by climate change. In this post, we’ll also share some insights on how…

Paris Musées Releases 100,000+ Works Into the Public Domain

Open Culture
Portrait de l'écrivaine libertaire et féministe Caroline Rémy dite Séverine (1855-1929), sur son balcon. A portrait of Caroline Rémy (1855-1929), a French feminist journalist. Photo by Paul Cardon.

The Paris Musées’ recently released more than 100,000 works under Creative Commons Zero (CCØ), putting the works into the public domain. They also released their collections’ Application Programming Interface (API), allowing users to “recover, in high definition, several royalty-free images and their records from cross-searches on the works.” Users can scroll through the collection via…

CC Summit registration is now open!


Great news! We’re excited to announce that registration for the 2019 Creative Commons Global Summit is now open. The Creative Commons Global Summit will take place in Lisbon, Portugal, 9-11 May 2019. Join us for three days of dynamic programming at Museu do Oriente, with a special keynote evening event held at the historic Cineteatro Capitolio. We’ve grown…