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Introducing CC Panama!

About CC

It’s been a long journey for CC Panama! As our newest official global community member, they have been growing their organization since 2014 and have emerged as a leading voice in the Central American knowledge commons. Their work spans many of the Creative Commons program areas, including open education, arts and culture, and advocacy. The…

CC Tanzania’s Advocacy Training

About CC, Events
cc-tanzania CC Tanzania Training

This post from Aris Maro of CC Tanzania outlines their work in support of the Creative Commons Awesome Fund, a series of small grants designed to help commoners work on projects that make their communities stronger. Thank you to CC Tanzania for their advocacy work in providing valuable information as representatives of Creative Commons ideals.…

Open Education and Open Government in Chile


Presentation of Chile’s updated Open Government Action Plan by Werner Westermann, CC BY. Werner Westermann is a fellow from our first Institute for Open Leadership, held in San Francisco in January 2015. He works at Library of the National Congress of Chile, and is involved in open education projects and advocacy in Chile and internationally.…

Curtain up on HowlRound, the theater knowledge commons

Open Culture

HowlRound was founded five years ago as the “knowledge commons” for the theater community to better include the voices of artists and creators working for inclusivity. The HowlRound organizers we interviewed, Jamie Gahlon, Vijay Mathew, Adewunmi Oke, and Ramona Ostrowski, exemplify the concept of the commons through their commitment to community action, creative output, and creating meaningful,…

Election resources from the Commons: A guide for Election Day

About CC, Copyright
Chuck Kennedy captured this scene at dusk as the President entered the Outer Oval Office with Shaun Donovan." (Official White House by Chuck Kennedy) United States Government Work

In the unlikely chance you haven’t noticed, it’s Election Day in the United States. For the past few months, we’ve been sharing resources from the commons to help you get informed, get excited, and most importantly, get voting! Below are some of our favorite election related resources from this year from the commons: Our profile…

Awesome Fund workshop to promote national culture and language in the Buryat Republic of Russia

About CC
Presenter at the CC Mongolia workshop CC BY

This year, Creative Commons is running our first Awesome Fund, a series of small grants to promote the activities of our global community.  In October, CC Mongolia ran a workshop to promote national culture and language in the Buryat Republic of Russia as part of their Awesome Fund grant. A full report on their activities can be…