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Category: Uncategorized

Internet offers more than mindless entertainment


Appearing in the Pepperdine University Graphic, the title and first paragraph of Internet offers more than Facebook read like a throwback to 1995: If you are sick of the same old sites, Facebook, Myspace and TMZ, there are some alternatives available on the Web that offer just as much mindless entertainment. (1995 version: There’s more…

C-Shirts, Code, and Music in Japan


  The Creative Commons team in Japan is ablaze with activism. At Mozilla 24 in Tokyo this September 15th, the Japanese team invited participants in their workshop to remix FireFox’s squeezeably-cute new mascot Foxkeh into over 45 uniquely designed CC-licensed T-shirts, a continuation of the successful C-Shirt project highlighted at the iSummit 2007 in Dubrovnik.…

iCommons/OneWebDay Party NYC this Saturday: Party IRL!


Interested in free culture, technology, the Internet, Creative Commons, new media, and anything in between? If so, iCommons, is throwing a last minute party this Saturday (9/22) in New York City! If you are in the area, you should absolutely check it out. There will be video and music performances, drinks, and cool people abound.…



Creative Commons is working with The University of Tokyo, Law Faculty to create Japan jurisdiction-specific licenses from the generic Creative Commons licenses. CCi Japan List Chairman: Professor Nobuhiro Nakayama (University of Tokyo, Law Faculty) Legal Project Lead: Yuko Noguchi Public Project Lead: Dominick Chen License draft. Post a message. Subscribe to the discussion. Read the…

CC, UGC platform integration and customer acquisition


Denise Howell writing at ZDNet has a nice report on IP and the user generated economy at TechCrunch40 about new collaboration services that have affordances for CC licenses, and some that should: The clips forming the foundation of musicshake creations are all licensed, and the company plans to let users sell their creations, keeping some…

First CC-licensed Photography Contest in China


CC in China Mainland has partnered with the online photo-sharing community and one of China’s largest internet portals,, to co-sponsor the first CC-licensed photography contest in China Mainland. The first submissions were received on September 1st, 2007, and at the time of this posting, entries now number around 3,500 and span three major…

Digital Asset Management and the Semantic Web


One way to think of Digital Asset Management is as “enterprise software” for media shops. Another is as the functional opposite of DRM — DAM helps organizations deal with and make use of huge volumes of media, including of course tracking licensing, while DRM attempts to “deal” with users who might want to use individual…

Creative Commons 868


Besting Creative Commons 1967 by a mere 1099 years is the Diamond Sutra, which according to Wikipedia is the earliest example of block printing that includes a date: The colophon, at the inner end, reads: Reverently [caused to be] made for universal free distribution by Wang Jie on behalf of his two parents on the…

Magnatune and the Ever Evolving Record Label


In a recent interview with technology law podcast OUT-LAW Radio, Magnatune CEO (and CC Board Member) John Buckman outlined Magnatune’s plans to shift from a focus on download related content to releasing streaming products for revenue earning. From The Register: “What I’m finding is in an era now when we’re all connected to the internet…

The War Comes Home Uses Creative Commons Licences


The Pacifica Foundation’s flagship station, KPFA, has launched an interactive website,, that allows visitors to listen to and share stories about the consequences of the Iraq war for those in America, using their own blogs, email lists, and social networking sites. The website features audio stories, photos, transcripts, resources for veterans and activists, as…