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A month of Slack: Growing global communities every day

About CC post

About a month ago, CC moved its daily communications to Slack, the team messaging service popular with communities around the world. You can read more about our decision here. What a month it’s been. We’ve seen our daily community grow to nearly 500 users, with an average of 110 people posting every day. We’ve also…

Open Education and Open Government in Chile

Uncategorized post

Presentation of Chile’s updated Open Government Action Plan by Werner Westermann, CC BY. Werner Westermann is a fellow from our first Institute for Open Leadership, held in San Francisco in January 2015. He works at Library of the National Congress of Chile, and is involved in open education projects and advocacy in Chile and internationally.…

Making data and tools available for the world to see: Arturo Sanchez of CERN on why ATLAS uses CC0 data

Open Science post
ATLAS experiment detector under construction in October 2004 in its experimental pit; the current status of construction can be seen on the CERN website.[1] Note the people in the background, for comparison. Nikolai Schwerg CC BY-SA 3.0

At ATLAS, data sharing and an open, innovative approach to information collaboration has become a fundamental part of this important scientific community.

OER Symposium held by affiliate team at NDU in Lebanon

Open Access, Open Education post
Creative Commons Regional Coordinator for the Arab World. Ms. Zarif met NDU President Fr. Walid Moussa

Creative Commons affiliate team at Notre Dame University—Louaize (NDU) in Lebanon held a two-day symposium on “Open Educational Resources (OER): Trends and Prospects” from September 15-16, 2016 as a part of their 2017 roadmap to create awareness and cultivate openness culture within the university . The symposium highlighted the University’s strategic commitment to the integration…