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Category: Open Knowledge

March for Science on Earth Day

Copyright, Open Science

On April 22, 2017 (Earth Day) tens of thousands of people will join the March for Science and stand together “to acknowledge and voice the critical role that science plays in each of our lives.” Marches will take place in Washington, D.C. and over 500 other cities. The mission of the March for Science is…

European Space Agency announces new Open Access Policy for Images and Data

Open Access
Satellites to understand our changing Earth. Image: ESA, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

Yesterday, the European Space Agency announced an Open Access policy for images and data under a Creative Commons BY-SA license. ESA has made various moves toward making data and images more open in the past, but this announcement is a major milestone for the organization’s commitment to openness. Previously, ESA released individual images under Creative…

Compartir no es delito: Sharing is not a crime

Copyright, Open Access

Why are students criminalized for sharing knowledge? Over the last two years several organizations have been highlighting the situation of Colombian graduate student Diego Gomez, who is being criminally prosecuted for sharing a research article online. Gomez is a student in conservation and wildlife management, and for the most part has poor access to many…

State Department Publishes Open Licensing “Playbook” for Federal Agencies

Copyright, Open Access, Open Education

Today the U.S. Department of State released the Federal Open Licensing Playbook, a list of considerations, use cases, and recommendations for federal departments interested in developing and implementing open license requirements on federally-funded grant projects. It is designed to assist federal efforts to maximize the impact of grant funds, and create opportunities for innovation and…

Inching Towards Open at California College of the Arts

Open Access

Eric Phetteplace is a fellow from our first Institute for Open Leadership, held in San Francisco in January 2015. He is a librarian at California College of the Arts.  I was a member of the inaugural Institute for Open Leadership in 2015. I’m the Systems Librarian at California College of the Arts (CCA), and my IOL…