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Category: Uncategorized

Flash/AfterEffects/Video Design Person Wanted


We’d like to produce a short, new animated/motion graphics film, and we need a great designer and/or animator to help us do so on a fairly tight deadline. You should know how to animate in Flash or After Effects (or both) and have experience with any necessary drawing tools, like Adobe Illustrator. You should have…

Opsound Party: CBGB NYC December 2


If you’re in New York City get over to CBGB Lounge next Thursday for a party celebrating Opsound’s first CD release. Buy the CD and download the MP3s by the band Catalpa Catalpa. All tracks are CC licensed, as is everything in the Opsound Pool. Congratulations to Opsound founder Sal Randolph and all of the…

Perdition Remix Contest


Positron! Records, whose recent adoption of Creative Commons licenses was noted on this weblog two days ago, is encouraging users to take advantage of their first licensed album with a remix contest. They’ve helpfully made a remix kit containing vocal tracks and loops from the target track, Perdition. [via Rob Myers]

ccPublisher Updated: Now With More Crunchy Metadata!


Just in time for Thanksgiving (and yet another thing to be thankful for), we’ve released an update to ccPublisher. ccPublisher 0.9.9 (windows, mac) adds support for Internet Archive keywords and description information. Supplying this information will allow visitors to the Archive find your work, become your fan, and stalk you by going through your trash.…



Tomorrow the U.S. celebrates Thanksgiving. It’s my favorite holiday. Just as the days are getting dark too soon, the wind (even here in Northern California) getting a precocious frost to it, and the mad dash towards yet another big milestone New Year taking stride with only an imaginary starter’s whistle blown, we’re obliged to pause.…

SF MOMA and the University of Maine


I had the pleasure of speaking on two panels recently. Last Thursday, I participated in The Open Source Paradigm at the SF MOMA, an event aimed to explore the history of open-source, and find new applications of its concepts in art. A few interesting ideas came out of the panel including a No Military Use…

Rediscover Culture with Firefox & CC Search


Cool thing about Firefox 1.0 number 75387: access to the Creative Commons search engine is built in. If you’re already using Firefox 1.0, just click on the search drop-down to the upper right of the browser window and select Creative Commons. If you’re not using Firefox, get with the program! The Creative Commons search engine…

Another non-evil label: Positron!


Positron! Records follows the lead of the non-evil record label, Magnatune: Positron! Records is pleased to announce that our artists now have the option of releasing their works under Creative Commons licenses. Unlike those who suffer from what we like to call “major label retardation,” we here at Positron! have never believed it was bad…

Creative Commons France licenses now available


This Friday at the National Assembly in Paris, Creative Commons released the French versions of our licenses. Hats off to project lead Melanie Dulong de Rosnay and the rest of the Creative Commons France team. France joins Austria, Brazil, Canada, Finland, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Spain, and Taiwan in offering localized Creative Commons licenses. Read…

Engadget on mashups, call for tutorials


Engadget is a great all-around blog about technology and the latest gadgets, but in the past few weeks they’ve began doing a “podcast” which is sort of like a home-brewed radio show, saved as mp3s and shared on their site. This week’s podcast has an interesting segment on “Mashing the Planet,” their call to arms…