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Explore the New CC Legal Database Site!

Licenses & Tools post

The Creative Commons Legal Database is a collection of case law and legal scholarship to help our users learn more about legal issues surrounding Creative Commons (CC) licenses and legal tools. This information has been contributed by many dedicated members of the CC Global Network and the CC Legal Team. It was shared in a…

Meet the Winners of the CC Open GLAM Platform Activities Fund!

Community post
CC Tiles

During the CC Global Summit, we had our “CC Open GLAM Platform Meeting”, where we had the opportunity to present several of the activities that we are running with the Open GLAM Platform Activities Fund. We’re delighted to announce the five winners of the General Projects of the Open GLAM Platform Activities Fund. The CC…

Say Hello to Our New CC Open Source Website!

Community, Technology post
CC Open Source logo for the open source website

This is part of a series of posts introducing the projects built by open source contributors mentored by Creative Commons during Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2020 and Outreachy. This post was written by Dhruvi Butti, a 2020 Outreachy intern and a 3rd-year undergrad at IIIT Surat.  “Celebrate endings—for they precede new beginnings.” – Jonathan…

Making the CC Global Network Work Better for You

Uncategorized post
World Feature Image Credit: "World" icon by Guilherme Furtado (BR) via Noun Project.

This post is written by Ethan Senack, a member of Creative Commons USA and the Global Network Council Executive Committee. Just over a year ago, the Executive Committee of the CC Global Network Council (GNC) launched an open process to collect feedback from all members on the network structure, with the purpose of understanding what…

Implementing the Marrakesh Treaty in Latin America: A Look at the Experiences of Four CC Community Members

Copyright post

Four years ago today, the Marrakesh Treaty entered into force. The Treaty is truly special in the international copyright law universe: it has a clear humanitarian and social development dimension and it’s the first international treaty that focuses on the beneficiaries of limitations and exceptions, rather than on the rights of creators or holders of…

CC Open Education Platform Activities Fund: Six Winners!

Open Education post
Openness and Collaboration collage "Openness and Collaboration" by Paul Downey (CC BY 2.0).

Creative Commons is proud to announce six winning project proposals from the inaugural round of the CC Open Education Platform Activities Fund! The CC Open Education Platform is a vibrant, international network of over 1120 open education advocates, educators, librarians, lawmakers, graduate students, and more, spanning 79 countries. This year, CC launched an activities fund…