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Tag: Weblog

Collaboration Across Space (and a Wee Bit of Time)


Here’s an interesting blurb from the Stanford Report: Music Professor Chris Chafe played his celleto with Berkeley musician Roberto Morales, left, in Wallenberg Hall during an intercontinental jam session June 18 that took advantage of sophisticated teleconference technology. Projected on the screen are Hogne Moe, left, and Oyvind Berg, who “virtually” joined the concert from…

mozCC 0.8.1: a small number with big performance


mozCC 0.8.0 was an attempt to fix performance problems with many sites, and it succeeded. For the most part. Shortly after it’s release, users brought to my attention the fact that when browsing Wikipedia with mozCC, the browser ground to a halt while mozCC retrieved the CC license information from the web server. This problem…

Commoner Sightings — This Weekend


Creative Commons board member Joi Ito will address the Flash Forward 2004 conference at the New Yorker Hotel in New York City — tomorrow, Friday July 9th, at 9:00am. Assistant director Neeru Paharia will appear on a panel, “Open Source and Social Action,” at the Awe to Action conference — this Saturday, July 10th, at…

Share Your Politics, Whatever Their Color


ActBlue is a web site that bills itself as an “online clearinghouse for grassroots action.” As the name suggests, it’s a site designed to help Democratic partisans find candidates to support, both with money and with time. But it also supplies tools to help users band together with like-minded souls — creating customized lists of…

Flickr adds CC moblogging for any weblog


A couple weeks ago, we mentioned Flickr added support for Creative Commons licenses to their photo uploading and hosting service. This week, they’ve announced a pretty amibitious new feature: mobile phone blogging for almost any blog service. It works like this: you setup an account at Flickr, enable moble blogging features by inputing details about…

The Building Blocks of Culture


As a tie-in to Spider-Man 2, Spite Your Face created a short movie of Spidey battling Doc Ock, done entirely with Legos. It’s a cracking good little romp, and it made me think of some of the other great Lego remixes I’ve seen, such as 2001: A Lego Odyssey and Monty Python Lego. Legos have…

"A combination of innovation and infringement"


Annalee Newitz has a great article in Alternet about Mash-ups, going over the copyright laws involved and how the laws are viewed in the mash-up scene. It’s an interested clash, where restrictive laws loom over digital musicians armed with low-cost computers and software that makes mixing easy. In this realm, Newitz sees mash-ups as a…

New books under CC licenses


The German Heise-Verlag, a publishing house specializing in books and magazines on the IT industry, has adopted the CC licensing model. Two books are currently being offered as free downloads under the CC licenses. The first book, Mix, Burn & RIP by Janko Roettgers, looks into the future of the recording industry. The second book,…

Miscegenation Remixed


J. LeRoy noticed two hours of audio arguments from Loving v. Virginia (a 1967 U.S. Supreme Court case that overturned an anti-interracial marriage law in Virginia) at Oyez, available under a CC license. A couple days ago LeRoy released a remix of the arguments. The real-life contemporary remixreplay of the same arguments is readily apparent.

Do the Recombo. In Brazil. Now.


Ronaldo Lemos, project lead extraordinaire of Creative Commons Brazil, reports: Mombojó is one of the most interesting new bands in Brazil. They mix traditional Brazilian music like samba and bossa nova with electronic beats and rock. Their album, “Nadadenovo” (meaning: “nothing new”), is available online at Even if they say there is “nothing new”…