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Global Network Charter


The Charter is an agreement between an individual person or an institution, in the Creative Commons Global Network, have with all of the other Members and Institutional Members of the Creative Commons network and Creative Commons. This Charter includes the list of values we share, the principles that guide our work and mutual responsibilities. It also…

Announcing the Bassel Khartabil Memorial Fund

About CC post

Our friend and colleague Bassel Khartabil was Creative Commons’ Syrian project lead, an open source developer, a teacher, a Wikipedia contributor, and a renowned free culture advocate. He was also a devoted son and husband, and a great friend to many in the global open knowledge community. We were heartbroken and outraged to learn earlier…

Statement on the death of CC friend and colleague Bassel Khartabil

Uncategorized post

We are deeply saddened and completely outraged to learn today that our friend and colleague Bassel Khartabil has been executed by the Syrian regime. Bassel was Creative Commons’ Syrian project lead, an open source software programmer, teacher, Wikipedia contributor, and free culture advocate. He was also a devoted son and husband, and a great friend…

March for Science on Earth Day

Copyright, Open Science post

On April 22, 2017 (Earth Day) tens of thousands of people will join the March for Science and stand together “to acknowledge and voice the critical role that science plays in each of our lives.” Marches will take place in Washington, D.C. and over 500 other cities. The mission of the March for Science is…