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Tag: Better Sharing

Creative Commons and University of Nebraska at Omaha Partner on a Microcredential Course

CC Certificate, Open Education
Badge listing “University of Nebraska Omaha x Creative Commons” and “Intro to OER” on left. Image of a person reaching for images associated with learning, flowing out of a book on the right. Images include a check mark, paper, light bulb band atom symbol.

Creative Commons is proud to announce the launch of “Introduction to Open Educational Resources,” our first professional development microcredential course and partnership with the University of Nebraska at Omaha, commencing on 31 May. This microcredential pilot started with one CC Certificate alumnus’s enthusiasm for open education. Craig Finlay, OER and STEM Librarian at the University…

Exploring Preference Signals for AI Training

Better Internet, Open Culture, Technology
Close up photo of three round metal signs lying haphazardly on a stony path, each with a big white arrow pointing in a different direction, embossed on a greenish-blue background.
"Choices" by Derek Bruff, here cropped, licensed via CC BY-NC 2.0.

One of the motivations for founding Creative Commons (CC) was offering more choices for people who wish to share their works openly. Through engagement with a wide variety of stakeholders, we heard frustrations with the “all or nothing” choices they seemed to face with copyright. Instead they wanted to let the public share and reuse…

CC at Wikimania 2023

A graphic with white text
The CC icon in white next to “Wikimania 2023 Red” all on top of “Wikimania 2023 Background 1920x1080 - Red.png”, both by Adien Gunarta and Naila Rahmah for Wikimedia Foundation and dedicated to the public domain via CC0 1.0.

CC is thrilled to be partnering with the Wikimedia Foundation to make Wikimania 2023 a reality. The gathering takes place 16–19 August both in Singapore and online. Whether you can make it to Singapore or not, register now to attend, participate, and access recorded sessions. The CC and Wikimedian communities overlap in many ways and…

NYC Symposium: Generative AI & the Creativity Cycle

Generated by AI: A white robot with a look of concentration on their face, wearing a red cap and robe, painting an empty gold picture frame with a brush that has an abstract flower growing up from its handle.
Detail from “AI Outputs” by CC0.

Are you thinking about how generative artificial intelligence (AI) intersects with creativity? Or how it draws from existing works and collections? Or enables new understandings of culture? Join Creative Commons in NYC on 13 September 2023 for a full-day symposium focused on the intersection of generative artificial intelligence, cultural heritage, and contemporary creativity. This event…

CC’s #BetterSharing Collection | August: Sharing Is Growing

About CC, Open Creativity
An illustration of a violet face speaking SHARING IS GROWING in stylized speech bubbles that tiny violet human figures climb across, all on a grayish-green background.
Sharing Is Growing” by Olga Mrozek for Creative Commons and Fine Acts is licensed via CC BY-SA 4.0.

As part of our #20CC anniversary, last year we joined forces with Fine Acts to spark a global dialogue on what better sharing looks like in action. Our #BetterSharing collection of illustrations was the result — we gathered insights from 12 prominent open advocates around the world and tasked 12 renowned artists who embrace openness…